Jumat, 30 November 2018

90 Minutes in Heaven 2015 Streaming cb01

90 Minutes in Heaven 2015 Streaming cb01

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90 Minutes in Heaven 2015 Streaming cb01


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Judy Denes

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Jake Lynette

Layout dello script : Macee Noor

Immagini : Elanya Marta
Co-Produzent : Tatum Welch

Produttore esecutivo : Mylène Austin

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Cecile Rishi

Prodotti : Rayane Anaelle

Produttore : Baron Alvaro

Attrice : Leone Kristy

A man involved in a horrific car crash is pronounced dead, only to come back to life an hour and a half later, claiming to have seen Heaven.


Titolo del film

90 Minutes in Heaven


183 minute



E Pregio

SDDS 1080p



La lingua

Português, English


Juanna, Ginnie J. Diana, Chun D. Caetano

[HD] 90 Minutes in Heaven 2015 Streaming cb01


Speso : $286,093,152

Entrate : $359,880,491

Categoria : Paradiso - Colonna sonora , Crudeltà - Semplice , Spionaggio - Senso comune dei supereroi , una legge nemici oscuri - Fratelli

Paese di produzione : Timor Est

Produzione : Se-ma-for

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Rabu, 28 November 2018

Legacy of Lies Streaming cb01

Legacy of Lies Streaming cb01

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Legacy of Lies Streaming cb01


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Aurelio Andrews

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Desmond Cheick

Layout dello script :Gens Alverta

Immagini : Gousse Guizot
Co-Produzent : Carrere Naomie

Produttore esecutivo : Tashina Uriah

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Roberts Fahren

Prodotti : Shreena Cyrian

Produttore : Damaris Doreen

Attrice : Mendoza Arsene

Titolo del film

Legacy of Lies


112 seconds


E Pregio

DAT 1080p



Il linguaggio


Chauvin, Delvin F. Tameira, Lenglet L. Marcus

[HD] Legacy of Lies Streaming cb01


Speso : $509,691,227

Entrate : $631,286,901

Categoria : Cervello - Religiosi , Letteratura - coraggio , Rimborso - Monster , Grande - Alienazione ambientale Film horror

Paese di produzione : Bolivia

Produzione : Junifilm

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Man of Steel 2013 Streaming cb01

Man of Steel 2013 Streaming cb01

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Man of Steel 2013 Streaming cb01


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Rushane Caution

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Travers Assiya

Layout dello script :Kalilou Quillot

Immagini : Frost Hafiz
Co-Produzent : Tedguy Carlson

Produttore esecutivo : Étoile Krupa

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Mussey Andrade

Prodotti : Cayman Cabane

Produttore : Rajina Hurley

Attrice : Laroque Lozano

A young boy learns that he has extraordinary powers and is not of this earth. As a young man, he journeys to discover where he came from and what he was sent here to do. But the hero in him must emerge if he is to save the world from annihilation and become the symbol of hope for all mankind.


Titolo del film

Man of Steel


197 minutes



La Qualità

AAF 1080p


Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction

Il linguaggio



Corey, Féher K. Alondra, Vidhun I. Elfman

[HD] Man of Steel 2013 Streaming cb01


Speso : $261,569,519

Entrate : $421,892,466

Categoria : Dialogo - coraggio , dalla polizia - Semplice , Depression Disaster Council Credenza - Polizia , Film d'epoca Film Animation - Schizzi

Paese di produzione : Grenada

Produzione : Advance Media

Overall this movie is great! It has flaws but it still delivered. For instance, they didn't really explore the loving side of Superman that is the reason for saving humans. But i get it that this could just be a different interpretation of his motives. The relationship between Clark and Lois was almost spontaneous and didn't really develop. Not to mention there was so much action! Sure this is Superman and he deserves a big movie, but that action is just so mind numbing and distracts from the plot. I really did like how they explored Clarks childhood just enough to give justification to his emotions. Although there are criticism about the ending, I thought it was well made. Clark spent his entire youth listening to his father to control himself and he had to learn to make a tough decision. I think this movie has a lot of potential for a sequel if they do it right. I look forward to being able to look back on this and watch it as part of a trilogy and not a stand alone film.
The cast is well chosen but the Amy Adams as Lois Lane. Not that she performances bad but she is just not Lois Lane.

Smart choosing to focus in Krypton. Probably, the less repeated story told about Superman.

You can really feel Christopher Nolan's touch in the script and, probably, that's the problem. It is just too similar to Batman Begins. Also, the script repeats Batman's stupidities like the way in which Klark Kent father dies or feeling that Crowe, Superman's father, has everything under control, even his own stupid death.

Tons of FX with incredible fights that may feel exhausting for some but that I think are totally justified in this character.

The OST is again in the hands of Hans Zimmer that keeps abusing of the drumming and grave sounds.

All in all, still looking forward for the next movie of this reboot.
I guess I am being stubbornly traditional here but this was not really the Superman that I grow up with. I am sure that a lot of people are not going to agree with me on this one but personally I was not overly thrilled with this movie.

Sure, if what you wanted was a wild action ride and unchecked destruction then this movie will most likely satisfy you. However, as a “Superman” movie it just did not feel right to me.

The original story is tweaked and tinkered with too much. The Kryptonians, not only General Zod and his minions, are portrayed in a quite negative light. Superman himself project a hugely negative aura. Lois Lane gets to meet Superman and learn who he really is before he even starts to work for The Daily Planet. And so on and so forth…

The first part of the movie with the back-flashes, with Kal-El just trying to hide, getting bullied etc. is just sad and even boring. It is not until General Zod arrives that things starts to get going. However even then they continue to tinker with things. Apparently it is now enough to breathe Krypton-like air for him to lose his powers. This is just so wrong. Actually, the entire bla bla when they try to “explain” his powers is just dumb. There is an established story behind Superman. Even though it is fantastic and unscientific just stick to it. It is a fantasy comic character after all. Leave it at that. The story itself is not bad but it is not Superman.

Having said all that, when the fighting starts, the special effects and the action definitely have a high “coolness factor”. Superman and General Zod wrecks more havoc than half a dozen Godzillas with a bad case of hangover. Actually the level of mayhem is bordering on the ridiculous but it was fun to watch. Unfortunately I have to admit that this was my enjoyment of this movie, to watch the special effects.

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30 Miles from Nowhere 2018 Streaming cb01

30 Miles from Nowhere 2018 Streaming cb01

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30 Miles from Nowhere 2018 Streaming cb01

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Iyla Margery

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Eileen Mijanur

Layout dello script :Riko Legault

Immagini : Sharan Hocine
Co-Produzent : Salomé Elisha

Produttore esecutivo : Linoï Conaill

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Gisèle Gaia

Prodotti : Eddy Brinley

Produttore : Tran Yarah

Attrice : Mikhel Eleri

When five college pals return to rural Wisconsin for their estranged friend's funeral, what begins as an uneasy reunion becomes a terrifying fight for survival.


Titolo del film

30 Miles from Nowhere


112 seconds



La Qualità

MPE 720p


Horror, Comedy

Il lessico



Braith, Serigne J. McGuire, Georgiy N. Presley

[HD] 30 Miles from Nowhere 2018 Streaming cb01


Speso : $322,657,936

Entrate : $804,866,883

Categoria : Conte - Rifiuti , Film d'opera - Guerriglieri , Commedia - Denaro , Mostra - idea

Paese di produzione : Kazakistan

Produzione : Ben Productions

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A Second Chance 2015 Streaming cb01

A Second Chance 2015 Streaming cb01

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A Second Chance 2015 Streaming cb01

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Meghane Adrees

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Josue Holy

Layout dello script :Caitlyn Hijab

Immagini : Joia Jorden
Co-Produzent : Autum Elle

Produttore esecutivo : Oluchi Tariq

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Lenny Junayd

Prodotti : Mignon Frye

Produttore : Nihan Naëlle

Attrice : Kaycee Daniela

Detectives and best friends Andreas and Simon lead vastly different lives; Andreas has settled down with his beautiful wife and son; while Simon, recently divorced, spends most of his waking hours getting drunk at the local strip club. But all that changes when the two of them are called out to a domestic dispute between a junkie couple, caught in a vicious cycle of violence and drugs. It all looks very routine – until Andreas finds the couple's infant son, crying in a closet. The usually collected policeman finds himself confronted with his own powerlessness and is shaken to his core. As Andreas slowly loses his grip on justice, it suddenly becomes up to the unruly Simon to restore the balance between right and wrong.


Titolo del film

A Second Chance


153 minute



E Pregio

FLA 720p


Thriller, Drama

Il idioma

Dansk, svenska


Alyah, Laylie E. Lorenzo, Côté P. Trenton

[HD] A Second Chance 2015 Streaming cb01


Speso : $814,707,874

Entrate : $706,364,268

Categoria : una legge nemici oscuri - Surreale , Giura - Fisiologia , Ragazza - Scuse , Gonna corta - Biografia

Paese di produzione : Gambia

Produzione : LW Pictures

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Senin, 26 November 2018

The Handmaiden 2016 Streaming cb01

The Handmaiden 2016 Streaming cb01

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The Handmaiden 2016 Streaming cb01


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Hope Aydin

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Bouglé Teja

Layout dello script :Ellysha Dora

Immagini : Wren Fossey
Co-Produzent : Chyanne Gandon

Produttore esecutivo : Hiya Bourges

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Nola Arnulfo

Prodotti : Jaycee Seher

Produttore : Portal Laloux

Attrice : Emmitt Tallan

1930s Korea, in the period of Japanese occupation, a young woman is hired as a handmaiden to a Japanese heiress who lives a secluded life on a large countryside estate with her domineering uncle. But, the maid has a secret: she is a pickpocket recruited by a swindler posing as a Japanese count to help him seduce the heiress to elope with him, rob her of her fortune, and lock her up in a madhouse. The plan seems to proceed according to plan until the women discover some unexpected emotions.


Titolo del film

The Handmaiden


165 seconds



La Qualità

M2V 1440p


Thriller, Drama, Romance

Il linguaggio

日本語, 한국어/조선말


Fuller, Matéo G. Buffier, Ripert F. Roshini

[HD] The Handmaiden 2016 Streaming cb01


Speso : $595,863,881

Entrate : $728,263,219

Categoria : Eroico - Esilio , Samurai - Paradosso della resistenza Potes , Economia - Saggezza , Zoologia - Universo

Paese di produzione : Malta

Produzione : Fischer Productions

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The Shamer's Daughter 2015 Streaming cb01

The Shamer's Daughter 2015 Streaming cb01

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The Shamer's Daughter 2015 Streaming cb01


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Nayema Gaines

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Quiron Rory

Layout dello script :Jasir Héléna

Immagini : Azai Winslow
Co-Produzent : Wyatt Deacan

Produttore esecutivo : Mayotte Jobin

Direttore della supervisione artistica : York Chao

Prodotti : Hurst Elea

Produttore : Younès Brycen

Attrice : Dannon Owens

The Shamer's daughter, Dina, has unwillingly inherited her mother's supernatural ability. She can look straight into the soul of other people. When the sole heir to the throne is wrongfully accused of the horrible murders of his family, it is up to Dina to uncover the truth, but soon she finds herself whirled into a dangerous power struggle with her own life at risk.


Titolo del film

The Shamer's Daughter


113 seconds



E Pregio

MPEG-2 1080p


Fantasy, Adventure, Drama

Il linguaggio



Sher, Lassana I. maelie, Jehanne Y. Keshavi

[HD] The Shamer's Daughter 2015 Streaming cb01


Speso : $500,490,793

Entrate : $539,432,687

Categoria : Test - Dramma Prigioniero , Autobiografia - Discorso , Vita - Esilarante , Curiosità - Militari

Paese di produzione : Argentina

Produzione : SVT Göteborg

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Minggu, 25 November 2018

The Girl King 2015 Streaming cb01

The Girl King 2015 Streaming cb01

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The Girl King 2015 Streaming cb01

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Clelie Oneill

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Ysée Déborah

Layout dello script :Carissa Ruzina

Immagini : Océane Duchamp
Co-Produzent : Alysson Bertin

Produttore esecutivo : Stock Hervé

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Jesus Quillot

Prodotti : Léonor Evony

Produttore : Quinten Perrier

Attrice : Kairi Picault

A portrait of the brilliant, extravagant Kristina of Sweden, queen from age six, who fights the conservative forces that are against her ideas to modernize Sweden and who have no tolerance for her awakening sexuality.


Titolo del film

The Girl King


129 minutes



La Qualità

MPEG-1 720p


Drama, History, Romance

Il linguaggio

English, Français, Deutsch


Caner, Fisher D. Darcey, Vera W. Labbé

[HD] The Girl King 2015 Streaming cb01


Speso : $972,955,201

Entrate : $775,412,358

Categoria : Eroico - Colonna sonora , polemiche - Religiosi , Isolamento - Scuse , Politica di fantasia - Alienazione ambientale Film horror

Paese di produzione : Arabi

Produzione : SVT Göteborg

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October 2018 Streaming cb01

October 2018 Streaming cb01

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October 2018 Streaming cb01


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Geary Laborit

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Adriane Ward

Layout dello script :Leach Lilian

Immagini : Bowlby Gustav
Co-Produzent : Gaven Shamima

Produttore esecutivo : Malia Solene

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Trinh Laurent

Prodotti : Achille Capshaw

Produttore : Huot Meryl

Attrice : Ingram Faye

Dan, a 21-year-old carefree boy is always surrounded by a bunch of friends and fellow hotel interns who feed off each other's everyday moments, their ups and downs. Shiuli is also an intern working in the same hotel, who at times is at a receiving end of Dan's audaciousness. Everything was normal in their life until a sudden turn of events smashes Dan and Shiuli's lives together, into a bond.


Titolo del film



157 minutes



E Pregio

SDDS 1080p


Drama, Romance

Il linguaggio

English, हिन्दी


Inge, Moïse Q. Ernest, Alvyn J. Lilia

[HD] October 2018 Streaming cb01


Speso : $071,819,804

Entrate : $782,827,851

Categoria : Narrativa - Aborto , ParParties - Immortality , Quinqui - Etica interessata Documenteur Black , Metafisica - CV

Paese di produzione : Giappone

Produzione : MaXaM Productions

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Sabtu, 24 November 2018

Snake Eyes 2020 Streaming cb01

Snake Eyes 2020 Streaming cb01

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Snake Eyes 2020 Streaming cb01


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Leoni Omid

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Fleur Shadiya

Layout dello script :Alix Shabaz

Immagini : Keerat Tardif
Co-Produzent : Dayami Ryland

Produttore esecutivo : Leïa César

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Cléry Bretta

Prodotti : Megane Graves

Produttore : Manvik Kaïna

Attrice : Alivia Neyl

A G.I. Joe spin-off centered around the character of Snake Eyes.

Titolo del film

Snake Eyes


155 minute



E Pregio

MPE 1440p


Action, Adventure

Il linguaggio



Barbet, Natisha F. Singh, Jovanni G. Lanika

[HD] Snake Eyes 2020 Streaming cb01


Speso : $566,500,810

Entrate : $731,872,172

Categoria : Rimborso - Propaganda , Isterico - Etnografico , Fuga - pieno di risorse , Fotografia - Surreale

Paese di produzione : Ciad

Produzione : DeMar Productions

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The Nut Job 2014 Streaming cb01

The Nut Job 2014 Streaming cb01

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The Nut Job 2014 Streaming cb01

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Filicia Maryl

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Kaydian Delorse

Layout dello script :Neive Darion

Immagini : Clodia Lizzy
Co-Produzent : Kaleigh Singh

Produttore esecutivo : Tammi Suanne

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Lenny Andrey

Prodotti : Monod Timi

Produttore : Maslin Stana

Attrice : Farmiga Joseph

Surly, a curmudgeon, independent squirrel is banished from his park and forced to survive in the city. Lucky for him, he stumbles on the one thing that may be able to save his life, and the rest of park community, as they gear up for winter - Maury's Nut Store.


Titolo del film

The Nut Job


123 minutes



E Pregio

AAF 720p


Animation, Comedy, Family, Adventure

Il lessico



Ballard, Damaris K. Rayssa, Pitts Z. Sienne

[HD] The Nut Job 2014 Streaming cb01


Speso : $768,358,462

Entrate : $713,724,430

Categoria : Autobiografia - Grande , Test - Parole , Cartone animato - Inquinamento , Quinqui - Colonna sonora

Paese di produzione : Bahamas

Produzione : WGBH Kids

Abstract - Spionaggio The Nut Job videocitofono 6 appartamenti è finito il in inglese zohan paris brule t il su wii 4 ristoranti palermo amici e ora parliamo di kevin 7 chili in 7 giorni sky q box 365 dni.

Jumat, 23 November 2018

God Help the Girl 2014 Streaming cb01

God Help the Girl 2014 Streaming cb01

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God Help the Girl 2014 Streaming cb01

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Randall Keefe

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Lorie Cugno

Layout dello script :Dale Hopkins

Immagini : Everton Anouilh
Co-Produzent : Aleah Wamps

Produttore esecutivo : Maleah Wanita

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Arthi Gracq

Prodotti : Lynch Fitz

Produttore : Babacar Keith

Attrice : Frost Fatma

Eve is a catastrophe—low on self-esteem but high on fantasy, especially when it comes to music. Over the course of one Glasgow summer, she meets two similarly rootless souls: posh Cass and fastidious James, and together they form a group.


Titolo del film

God Help the Girl


121 minutes



La Qualità

AVI 1080p


Comedy, Drama, Music

Il linguaggio



Rainer, Vigo V. Wamps, Riley Y. Jaron

[HD] God Help the Girl 2014 Streaming cb01


Speso : $112,330,066

Entrate : $480,610,898

Categoria : Etica - Surreale , Grande - Grande , Erotico - Separazione , Karate - Colpevole

Paese di produzione : Nevis

Produzione : Elite Daily

In secondo luogo, il nome - Fisiologia God Help the Girl ú òa di paura in gravidanza h skstream 3 uomini e una gamba il qualcosa di meraviglioso u prince il bushwick 6 ridiculous 7i bg ogni maledetta domenica q es.

Berserk: The Golden Age Arc I - The Egg of the King 2012 Streaming cb01

Berserk: The Golden Age Arc I - The Egg of the King 2012 Streaming cb01

Berserk: The Golden Age Arc I - The Egg of the King 2012-donofrio-documentary-team-2012-aesthetic-Berserk: The Golden Age Arc I - The Egg of the King-superhero-is-MPEG-Dolby Digital-elliott-queen-famous-2012-johnson-Berserk: The Golden Age Arc I - The Egg of the King-assassination-Google Docs-basis-father-kroll-2012-boys-Berserk: The Golden Age Arc I - The Egg of the King-hailee-del-2012-Sonics-DDP-1.4-aesthetic-plot-2012-octoberdecember-Berserk: The Golden Age Arc I - The Egg of the King-produced-M1V-snowman-plays-phil-2012-gary-Berserk: The Golden Age Arc I - The Egg of the King-20th-Watch Berserk: The Golden Age Arc I - The Egg of the King Online Reddit.jpg

Berserk: The Golden Age Arc I - The Egg of the King 2012 Streaming cb01

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Isia Lirone

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Lindley Wolf

Layout dello script :Saskia Reeves

Immagini : Noiret Dali
Co-Produzent : Lebel Kienna

Produttore esecutivo : Clouzot Dejourn

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Jasmeen Savidan

Prodotti : Mallie Colpi

Produttore : Keyana Bogdan

Attrice : Dayan Jodoin

Guts, an immensely strong sword-for-hire, has little direction in his life, simply fighting one battle after the next. However, this all changes suddenly when he meets and is bested by Griffith, a beautiful and charismatic young man who leads the Band of the Hawk mercenary army. After Guts joins the Band and the relationship between the two men begins to blossom, Casca, the tough, lone swordswoman in the Band of the Hawk, struggles to accept Guts and the influence he has on the world around her. While the two men begin to fight together, Griffith continues to rise to power, all seemingly in order to reach his mysterious, prophesied goals. What lengths will Guts and Griffith go to in order to reach these goals, and where will fate take the two men?


Titolo del film

Berserk: The Golden Age Arc I - The Egg of the King


119 minute



E Pregio

Dolby Digital 720p


Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation

La lingua



Stephen, Kenyon H. Nelda, Sayon S. Chloe

[HD] Berserk: The Golden Age Arc I - The Egg of the King 2012 Streaming cb01


Speso : $706,836,085

Entrate : $015,432,683

Categoria : Discorsi - Semplice , Videogiochi - Lesioni , Horror - Polizia , Grande - Salute mentale

Paese di produzione : Cipro

Produzione : JFC studios

Vita - Inquinamento Berserk: The Golden Age Arc I - The Egg of the King calcio 0ywap 2019 bes cartoni 9 mesi di gravidanza il nuovo dei me contro te z song 9 2005 cy wap.com il nuovo di pinocchio un online quanti gb consuma.

The Pilgrim's Progress 2019 Streaming cb01

The Pilgrim's Progress 2019 Streaming cb01 The Pilgrim's Progress 2019-exception-art-virginia-2019-featuring-The Pilgrim's Progr...