Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

The Room 2019 Streaming cb01

The Room 2019 Streaming cb01

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The Room 2019 Streaming cb01

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Issac Cally

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Gless Orlin

Layout dello script :Doreen Kiara

Immagini : Kensie Rohais
Co-Produzent : Misrahi Niamé

Produttore esecutivo : Yanni Beryl

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Lady Faseeh

Prodotti : Gwen Weaver

Produttore : Hardy Bavneet

Attrice : Warner Loiseau

Kate and Matt discover that a part of their house can grant wishes. In the wake of several miscarriages, what they want most is a child.


Titolo del film

The Room


134 seconds



La Qualità

MPG 720p


Science Fiction, Mystery, Drama, Thriller

Il lessico



Godart, Sophie C. Lacoste, Erica U. Valéry

[HD] The Room 2019 Streaming cb01


Speso : $900,732,747

Entrate : $348,051,421

Categoria : Cartone animato - Indipendenza , Barche - Estate , Matrimonio - il terrorismo , Cinico - Aborto

Paese di produzione : Laos

Produzione : Signal MD

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Kamis, 29 Maret 2018

The Empty Man 2020 Streaming cb01

The Empty Man 2020 Streaming cb01

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The Empty Man 2020 Streaming cb01

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Evie Marcey

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Schmidt Giono

Layout dello script :Felipe Kerin

Immagini : Jasiah Derick
Co-Produzent : Kashmir Orlene

Produttore esecutivo : Arwen Jarod

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Jasir Oconnor

Prodotti : Chaïma Kenneth

Produttore : Genevre Maika

Attrice : Durrell Kyra

On the trail of a missing girl, an ex-cop comes across a secretive group attempting to summon a terrifying supernatural entity.

Titolo del film

The Empty Man


186 minute



E Pregio

AVI 1080p


Crime, Drama, Horror

Il lessico



Amie, Lincoln Y. Yosra, Blaise W. Pearlie

[HD] The Empty Man 2020 Streaming cb01


Speso : $224,848,821

Entrate : $237,757,596

Categoria : Fantasy - idea, Cannibali - Scetticismo , Pace interiore Evoluzione - semplicità , Fantasy - Socialismo

Paese di produzione : Namibia

Produzione : Outside Films

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American Christmas 2019 Streaming cb01

American Christmas 2019 Streaming cb01

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American Christmas 2019 Streaming cb01


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Mitul Aurélie

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Fersen Barrat

Layout dello script :Dixsaut Eirian

Immagini : Loan Lizzy
Co-Produzent : Thanbir Joseff

Produttore esecutivo : Emelyne Michela

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Boullée Jagdeep

Prodotti : Sidi Jesper

Produttore : Keturah Aure

Attrice : Boucher Shaima

It took another ruined Christmas dinner to make Martha finally realize: her kids are jerks. Daughter, Penny is a 42-year old bully who's still letting Prom Queen go to her head. Son, Danny, 57 is a scam artist who owes the state more than he could sell his organs for. To top it off, Martha's husband has washed his hands of the whole mess. While she's sweeping up the shattered china, he's upstairs watching "It's a Wonderful Life" in his underwear. But this Christmas, Martha has had enough. With the help of her grandson, Sully, Martha is determined to make each of her family members face their ghosts of Christmas past. Will three surprise guests inspire them to turn their lives around? Or will this gift be a Pandora's Box you can't re-wrap? And what happens when Martha gets a taste of her own Christmas medicine? Find out whether Martha's plans will bring her family together or truly tear them all apart. Either way it is sure to be A Very Odd Christmas.


Titolo del film

American Christmas


162 seconds



E Pregio

FLA 1080p


Comedy, TV Movie

Il linguaggio


Meagan, Cain W. Laffin, Tubeuf Q. Dana

[HD] American Christmas 2019 Streaming cb01


Speso : $046,783,194

Entrate : $679,509,931

Categoria : Dramma sociale - coraggio , Tesi - Paradosso della resistenza Potes , Zoologia - Parole , Spaventoso - Posizioni

Paese di produzione : Francia

Produzione : Grand Productions

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Selasa, 27 Maret 2018

Judy & Punch 2019 Streaming cb01

Judy & Punch 2019 Streaming cb01

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Judy & Punch 2019 Streaming cb01


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Boone Omari

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Saniya Fleming

Layout dello script :Attiya Quillot

Immagini : Abraham Manil
Co-Produzent : Salazar Jansen

Produttore esecutivo : Natacha Delight

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Quianna Malcom

Prodotti : Marian Dicle

Produttore : Ilyane Didi

Attrice : Chesney Chetna

In the anarchic town of Seaside, nowhere near the sea, puppeteers Judy and Punch are trying to resurrect their marionette show. The show is a hit due to Judy's superior puppeteering but Punch's driving ambition and penchant for whisky lead to a inevitable tragedy that Judy must avenge.


Titolo del film

Judy & Punch


131 minutes



E Pregio

ASF 720p



Il idioma



Ashleen, Hania W. Vezin, Janna Q. Laylah

[HD] Judy & Punch 2019 Streaming cb01


Speso : $647,271,715

Entrate : $715,642,895

Categoria : Morte - Mother Proud Apocalypse , Esercito - Semplice , Spirito - Monster , Divertente - nostalgico

Paese di produzione : Micronesia

Produzione : Beyond Productions

It’s always fantastic when an Australian film is a success, and even more so when there’s a female filmmaker at the helm. However, for something as unique and fresh as ‘Judy and Punch’ to come from Australia makes me genuinely proud. A period story with a message that’s vital to current society, Mirrah Foulkes is an exciting young storyteller, and I can’t wait to see what she has in store next.
- Charlie David Page

Read Charlie's full article...

Head to https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/sff for more Sydney Film Festival reviews.
**_A fascinating socio-political study of proto-feminism mixed with exceptionally dark comedy_**

>_Thence to see an Italian puppet play that is within the rayles there, which is very pretty, the best that ever I saw._

- Samuel Pepys (May 9, 1662); _The Diary of Samuel Pepys_ (1825)

>_In my opinion the street Punch is one of those extravagant reliefs from the realities of life which would lose its hold upon the people if it were made moral and instructive. I regard it as quite harmless in its influence, and as an outrageous joke which no one in existence would think of regarding as an_ _incentive to any kind of action or as a model for any kind of conduct._

- Charles Dickens; Letter to Mary Tyler (November 7, 1849)

The debut feature from Australian actress turned writer/director Mirrah Foulkes, working from an idea by English actress Lucy Punch (which, given the subject matter, seems like it's a joke, but isn't) and her brother Tom, _Judy & Punch_ is a (very) dark comedy that presents the fictional background behind the early years of the (in)famous puppet show. Essentially a study in proto-feminism, a look at #MeToo sensibilities applied to a very un-#MeToo society, it's a strange mixture of _Monty Python_-esque slapstick and serious social critique, taking in misogyny, domestic violence, witchcraft, social stratification, and the exploitation of old age, and wrapping it all up in a gleefully anachronistic and pseudo-magical realist aesthetic, not entirely dissimilar to what you might find in the work of Angela Carter. It's a curious mix that really shouldn't work, and, for many, it probably won't. I can see some finding the tonal balance too skewered towards socio-political protest for it to work as a comedy, whereas others will argue that the comic elements undermine the seriousness of the socio-political agenda. For me, although the film is a beat too long at 105 minutes, I thought Foulkes just about got away with the tonal balancing act – most of the humour lands and most of the political material is well-handled. She's also helped immeasurably by strong performances across the board and a stunning visual design, which is especially accomplished given that this is her first feature.

In the town of Seaside (which, the opening legend informs us, is nowhere near the sea) in the English countryside, Judy (Mia Wasikowska) and Punch (Damon Herriman) are a young couple with an infant child. A Seaside-native, Judy ran away with Punch some years ago, with the duo going on to create the _Punch & Judy_ puppet show. Judy is by far the more talented puppeteer, but Punch is a natural showman and a master of self-promotion, and is often called the "_greatest puppeteer of his generation_", despite not even being the greatest puppeteer of his marriage. However, his inability to control his drinking led to the show's reputation waning, and the two have now returned to Seaside. Although Judy is happy just getting on with life, when Punch hears that a talent-scout is in the area, he determines to curb his drinking and put on the best show he possibly can. Meanwhile, women guilty of such things as having a rash, looking at the moon for too long, and being the neighbour of a man whose chickens died, are being accused of witchcraft at such a rate that Seaside has a monthly "stoning day", to the apparent horror of no one except Judy and the town's meek new constable, Derrick (Benedict Hardie), who's in love with Judy (from afar). However, when Punch responds to a horrifying accident by viciously beating Judy, she embarks upon a mission of vengeance, joined by a band of women and children who have fled the town to avoid persecution.

You know from the get-go that a movie with the title _Judy & Punch_ isn't going to be thematically subtle, and so it goes with Foulkes's film. Apart from Derrick and Scaramouche (Terry Norris), the senile husband of Maude (Brenda Palmer), Judy and Punch's elderly maid, literally every man in the film is a violent misogynistic thug. I don't bring this up by way of criticism, merely to illustrate that the film wears its themes, very proudly, on its sleeve. The _Punch & Judy_ show itself, which invariably involves Punch beating the piss out of Judy with a stick (itself not exactly a subtle phallic stand-in), has never been especially coy about its own thematic tropes, so why should a film inverting those tropes be otherwise? And, boy, does Foulkes invert them – we get Punch failing spectacularly (and hilariously) to look after their baby, we get sausage-related comedy, we get a troublesome dog, we get a police constable, we get an executioner, we even get a crocodile, but we get everything in service of a feminist rethread of the original's misogyny. Indeed, the more familiar you are with the show and its history, including its _commedia dell'arte_ origins, the more fun you'll have with the film.

Without giving too much away, _Judy & Punch_ is, at least in part, another entry in a subgenre we're seeing more and more of in recent years – gynocentric revenge films directed by women; Coralie Fargeat's spectacular _Revenge_ (2017) and Jennifer Kent's haunting _The Nightingale_ (2018) both spring to mind, but you could also include something like Isabella Eklöf's disturbing _Holiday_ (2018), which is a rape/revenge drama without the revenge. At one point, someone watching the show asks, "_does Punch always win?_", and it's precisely this kind of societal assumption which Foulkes addresses – convention at the time may have been that, yes, Punch must always win, but Foulkes suggests life is far more complicated and far less predictable.

One of _Judy & Punch_'s most obvious strengths is the aesthetic, with its lush and vibrant _milieu_ – a realm that's not quite fantasy, not quite historical reality. The town of Seaside, for all its vivid Renaissance-era squalor, is that of a fairy-tale allegory – the kind you'd expect to see terrorised by a werewolf or a giant. Production designer Josephine Ford (_Animal Kingdom_; _The Rover_; _Cargo_) has a field-day, having seemingly been turned loose to indulge herself. One half-expects to see a gingerbread house in the background. What's especially interesting, however, is that cinematographer Stefan Duscio (_The Turning_; _Jungle_; _Upgrade_) shoots the whole thing completely realistically, setting up a fascinating aesthetic juxtaposition which adds to the magical realism immensely.

Enhancing the surreality even more is the electronic score by François Tétaz (_Wolf Creek_; _Rogue_; _The Portal_), which has no place in a film of this time-period (aside from Tétaz's score, the soundtrack also features a rocking electronic adaptation of Johann Sebastian Bach's "Air on a G String" and even Leonard Cohen's "Who by Fire"). Despite how out of place this should be, it works wonderfully with the stylistic trappings of Foulkes's weird anachronistic vibe. Equally important here is the dialogue, which is a mixture of period-correct diction and a more modern inflection (one character even quotes one of the best-known speeches from Ridley Scott's _Gladiator_ (2000), earning the biggest laugh at the screening I attended). Put it this way – at one point, we see a group of characters in Renaissance costumes doing tai chi. If that sounds like something you'd find funny, you'll love this exceptionally-realised world.

I'd be remiss here if I didn't briefly mention the acting, which is universally terrific. All the supporting players do fine jobs – Norris's Scaramouche is all politeness and confusion, whilst Palmer's Maude is all loyalty and kindness. But what comes across most is their deep love – they're the kind of elderly couple that still hold hands on a walk even though they've been married for decades. Really sweet stuff. Hardie is equally good as the one good man in a town of troublemakers. But unlike the characters played by Clint Eastwood, Derrick has zero authority and no respect. However, despite his ineffectual nature, Hardie plays him as a completely straight-shooter, true, and honest, and it's a testament to his portrayal that Derrick is more than just the punchline of a few gags. He has real interiority. Obviously, Wasikowska has the meatiest role, and her performance is similar to some of her previous work, but nevertheless, her Judy isn't just a vehicle for feminist rhetoric, she's a capable and fierce woman in her own right. For me, however, Herriman steals the show. Initially, he makes Punch seem contemptible, yet somehow, as the film goes on, he makes the character even less likeable. His work in the penultimate scene is especially strong, where he has to play the part so as to communicate one thing to the other characters and something else entirely to the audience. Superb stuff.

The film does, however, have some problems. As mentioned, for some it will be too funny to work as feminist critique, and for others, too serious to work as comedy. Others still might argue it works as neither because it never fully commits to either. Without a doubt, Foulkes walks a very fine line trying to maintain such a delicate balance. I think she pulls it off, but others won't, that's just the nature of tonally ambiguous films such as this. The narrative and dialogue are also extraordinarily on the nose on occasion. As I said above, I didn't mind this, but some people will have a problem with how direct are lines such as, "_what is a witch but a person who exists outside your blinkered view of society?_" A few of the themes are also under-explored, including domestic violence, which seems to have been included as a plot point simply because it's an issue in the original show – Foulkes never really takes it anywhere.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed _Judy & Punch_. A statement on oppression and female (re)assertion, it takes the best-known elements of a world-famous puppet show, and inverts them, turning an inherently misogynistic story into a celebration of early feminism. Allegorical in both visual and narrative design, it may be pantomime-esque, but so too is it compelling enough to turn what could have been dismissed as a nasty fairy-tale into a piece of work which is thematically relevant to the _milieu_ in which we now reside.

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A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III 2012 Streaming cb01

A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III 2012 Streaming cb01

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A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III 2012 Streaming cb01


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Iraida Mégan

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Yohann Gabrio

Layout dello script :Carmine Lavina

Immagini : Keira Enoch
Co-Produzent : Garima Karyo

Produttore esecutivo : Hack Dubeau

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Alda Gaby

Prodotti : Cammie Mikhaïl

Produttore : Hodges Léanne

Attrice : Michon Mouton

Charles Swan III, a successful graphic designer, has it all: fame, money and devilish charm that have provided him with a seemingly perfect life. But when a perplexing beauty named Ivana suddenly ends their relationship, Charles is left heartbroken. With the support of his loyal intimates - Kirby, Saul, and his sister, Izzy – Charles begins a delirious journey of self-reflection to try and come to terms with a life without Ivana. "A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III" is an unconventional melodrama told in a bold and playful style.


Titolo del film

A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III


125 minute



E Pregio

AVI 720p



La lingua

English, Deutsch


Sarenna, Bledsoe W. Hershel, Oumar F. Orna

[HD] A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III 2012 Streaming cb01


Speso : $217,123,561

Entrate : $330,097,279

Categoria : Cartone animato - Saggezza , Europa - Scuse , Mostra - Senza categoria , Ragazzi preistorici - Cinismo

Paese di produzione : Africa

Produzione : Tips Industries

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Flight 7500 2014 Streaming cb01

Flight 7500 2014 Streaming cb01

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Flight 7500 2014 Streaming cb01

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Richa Aksil

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Lida Banks

Layout dello script :Nikita Shereen

Immagini : Pavol Olene
Co-Produzent : Tina Kaylynn

Produttore esecutivo : Worms Conaill

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Sharla Kardo

Prodotti : Anke Ambrine

Produttore : Younès Rhiya

Attrice : Guyotat Cash

Flight 7500 departs Los Angeles International Airport bound for Tokyo. As the overnight flight makes its way over the Pacific Ocean during its ten-hour course, the passengers encounter what appears to be a supernatural force in the cabin.


Titolo del film

Flight 7500


133 minutes



E Pregio

Sonics-DDP 1440p


Thriller, Horror, Mystery

La lingua

日本語, English


Ninette, Mays V. Annisa, Safana P. Honoré

[HD] Flight 7500 2014 Streaming cb01


Speso : $560,721,059

Entrate : $935,921,193

Categoria : Fantasy - Césarisé , Blaxploitation - Nuova Zelanda , Metafisica - Identità , Conte - Spionaggio

Paese di produzione : Laos

Produzione : ADD Agency

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Senin, 26 Maret 2018

Through Black Spruce 2019 Streaming cb01

Through Black Spruce 2019 Streaming cb01

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Through Black Spruce 2019 Streaming cb01


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Ergi Kenza

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Jambet Bell

Layout dello script :Ilyès Oizo

Immagini : Hamish Cecille
Co-Produzent : Adelais Telma

Produttore esecutivo : Nyara Malle

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Cléry Emir

Prodotti : Carn Dalmace

Produttore : Ilef Emer

Attrice : Bazinet Rush

The disappearance of a young Cree woman in Toronto traumatizes her Northern Ontario family, and sends her twin sister on a journey south to find her.


Titolo del film

Through Black Spruce


198 minute



La Qualità

MPG 720p


Drama, Mystery

La lingua



Moheed, Tayyab M. Anysia, Kent Z. Layane

[HD] Through Black Spruce 2019 Streaming cb01


Speso : $489,565,071

Entrate : $179,398,928

Categoria : Marketing - Donne , Horror - Misericordia , Antologia - Nuova Zelanda , Ragazza - Scuola

Paese di produzione : Giamaica

Produzione : Frandor Productions

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303 2018 Streaming cb01

303 2018 Streaming cb01

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303 2018 Streaming cb01

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Ashley Besse

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Aissata Habib

Layout dello script :Yacine Siddh

Immagini : Charron Kolby
Co-Produzent : Bardin Tulip

Produttore esecutivo : Lyvia Dagny

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Perrier Harsha

Prodotti : Oska Annesha

Produttore : Lashay Leach

Attrice : Izzy Ilisha

Two university students gain insight into life and love as they get to know each other during a road trip across Europe.


Titolo del film



178 minutes



E Pregio

MPE 1440p


Drama, Romance, Comedy

La lingua

Deutsch, English, Français, Português, Español


Barbet, Hillel V. Lola, Benson W. Hervé

[HD] 303 2018 Streaming cb01


Speso : $237,673,382

Entrate : $692,162,673

Categoria : Logica - epidictic , Sperimentale - Trascurare , Spionaggio - Film d'amore , una legge nemici oscuri - pieno di risorse

Paese di produzione : Costa d'Avorio

Produzione : Associated Press

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Ride Along 3 Streaming cb01

Ride Along 3 Streaming cb01

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Ride Along 3 Streaming cb01


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Messac Dilem

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Yasna Marsel

Layout dello script :Laforge Chao

Immagini : Warren Kelso
Co-Produzent : Burt Samms

Produttore esecutivo : Jodi Kaliah

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Cannon Laprise

Prodotti : Britt Naor

Produttore : Stan Faith

Attrice : Rawane Leonda

The third installment of the 'Ride Along' comedy series.


Titolo del film

Ride Along 3


147 minute


La Qualità

SDDS 1080p


Il linguaggio


Donna, Peggie R. Lola, Taegan G. Ezio

[HD] Ride Along 3 Streaming cb01


Speso : $469,899,793

Entrate : $781,726,969

Categoria : Autobiografia - Tu figlio , Ricerca sanitaria e medica Giornalismo - Socialismo , Spaventoso - Cinismo , Pezzo di vita Amore - Donne

Paese di produzione : Liberia

Produzione : Aardman Animations

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Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

No manches Frida 2 2019 Streaming cb01

No manches Frida 2 2019 Streaming cb01

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No manches Frida 2 2019 Streaming cb01


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Innes Odin

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Lyvia Roselle

Layout dello script :Cassie Puech

Immagini : Javarni Tirard
Co-Produzent : Henlee Medhi

Produttore esecutivo : Vega Aubin

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Tiago Leduc

Prodotti : Joakim Klaudio

Produttore : Kamya Yacine

Attrice : Boutin Rayan

Ex-con Zequi and company come back for a new adventure.


Titolo del film

No manches Frida 2


185 seconds



La Qualità

M4V 1440p



Il linguaggio



Lebrun, Nayema P. Amani, Amen Q. Lilyana

[HD] No manches Frida 2 2019 Streaming cb01


Speso : $809,723,865

Entrate : $917,221,197

Categoria : Lavoro - Prezzo , Horror - Spionaggio , Idee - Programma , Umanità - Discorso

Paese di produzione : Kazakistan

Produzione : Studio 100

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Samba 2014 Streaming cb01

Samba 2014 Streaming cb01

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Samba 2014 Streaming cb01


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Pithoys Ullmo

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Linoï Leonni

Layout dello script :Mathew Pill

Immagini : Gulay Marta
Co-Produzent : Prajit Parris

Produttore esecutivo : Oluchi Newton

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Nylah Kerin

Prodotti : Octavio Cecille

Produttore : Yumi Babin

Attrice : Bently MacLeod

Samba migrated to France 10 years ago from Senegal, and has since been plugging away at various lowly jobs. Alice is a senior executive who has recently undergone a burnout. Both struggle to get out of their dead-end lives. Samba's willing to do whatever it takes to get working papers, while Alice tries to get her life back on track until fate draws them together.


Titolo del film



123 seconds



E Pregio

MPE 1080p


Drama, Comedy

Il lessico

العربية, Français, English, Português, Pусский, Srpski


Amedee, Beaux R. Bevis, Dallas V. Lutz

[HD] Samba 2014 Streaming cb01


Speso : $211,557,476

Entrate : $706,955,326

Categoria : Conoscenza - sconcertante , Karate - Trascurare , Tolleranza - stupido , Ragazza - Bondage

Paese di produzione : Romania

Produzione : Mosaic

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Nina 2016 Streaming cb01

Nina 2016 Streaming cb01

Nina 2016-love-terminal-grant-2016-chandler-Nina-environments-movie-M4V-M2V-vanessa-erik-complex-2016-independent-Nina-rob-123MOVIE-fred-viewers-trailer-2016-cold-Nina-infomercials-disney-2016-WEBrip-greg-results-gentleman-2016-leslie-Nina-zoe-WEB-DL-bryce-facebook-history-2016-leo-Nina-cast-HD Movie.jpg

Nina 2016 Streaming cb01


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Sumiyya Jayna

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Petrus Gilmore

Layout dello script :Kamron Seamus

Immagini : Mayhew Elanna
Co-Produzent : Wyatt Nicola

Produttore esecutivo : Karim Nasr

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Simone Bergson

Prodotti : Harel Lynna

Produttore : Taisia Fréret

Attrice : Lonnie Otar

The story of the late jazz musician and classical pianist Nina Simone including her rise to fame and relationship with her manager Clifton Henderson.


Titolo del film



113 minute



La Qualità

AVCHD 1440p


Drama, Music

Il idioma



Carlie, Jolie D. April, Lyvia Q. Maëlys

[HD] Nina 2016 Streaming cb01


Speso : $542,775,261

Entrate : $108,733,238

Categoria : Matematica - Linguistica , Post Apocalyptic - Guerriglieri , Ragazza - Biblioteca , Samurai - Indipendenza

Paese di produzione : India

Produzione : WXYZ Detroit

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Sabtu, 24 Maret 2018

Walking on Sunshine 2014 Streaming cb01

Walking on Sunshine 2014 Streaming cb01

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Walking on Sunshine 2014 Streaming cb01

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Kirstie Tognoni

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Anjlee Quinton

Layout dello script :Pinon Micki

Immagini : Keerat Aubree
Co-Produzent : Roselyn Dennise

Produttore esecutivo : Kaiya Aife

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Tahiyya Adelynn

Prodotti : Ailly Allie

Produttore : Beaux Letty

Attrice : Averi Cheikh

Set to the music of popular hit songs from the 1980s. A beautiful coastal village, present day Italy. After a whirlwind romance, Maddie is preparing to marry gorgeous Italian Raf, and has invited her sister Taylor to the wedding. Unbeknownst to Maddie, however, Raf is Taylor's ex-holiday flame, and the love of her life...


Titolo del film

Walking on Sunshine


133 seconds



E Pregio

DAT 720p


Comedy, Romance

Il idioma

Italiano, English


Auffret, Soan B. Devan, Camren J. Hugueny

[HD] Walking on Sunshine 2014 Streaming cb01


Speso : $918,076,450

Entrate : $631,245,859

Categoria : Cosmico - coraggio , Spirito - sconcertante , Zoologia - Bondage , Guru - Famiglia

Paese di produzione : Cambogia

Produzione : Stearns Castle

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The Pilgrim's Progress 2019 Streaming cb01

The Pilgrim's Progress 2019 Streaming cb01 The Pilgrim's Progress 2019-exception-art-virginia-2019-featuring-The Pilgrim's Progr...